Thanks to the kind folks at Country Queer for featuring my latest single "Disappearing" in their roundup of new music releases. Peep the article here!
To accompany my new single "Disappearing" I surveyed people who embody roles/identities that are socially revered yet sytemically under-resourced. Their responses were curated into a community digital art piece called "The Disappearing Project." (Accessible transcript also available).
Respondents reflect a range of ages, races, religions, genders, sexual orientations, cultures, dis/abilities, financial means, etc. I know in my heart this tiny sample just begins to scratch the surface of our society's toxic treatment toward parents, educators, essential workers, and more. The overarching theme? People feel exhausted and alone. I don't expect this song or project to heal the world, but I do hope you take the time to sit with these words, reflect on your own responses to the questions posed, and move forward in your lives/relationships with the understanding that so much hurt is bubbling underneath nearly every interaction you have with nearly every person. Global Texan Chronicles premieres "Disappearing" - New Single from Lindsay White ft. Anna Ballew5/12/2023
So grateful to Global Texan Chronicles for always showing me love when I release new music. Peep the link to check out the single premiere and learn more about the inspiration and production. Couldn't have done this one with out the time and talents of Anna Ballew, Ben Grace Gilmore, and Salvatore Manalo!
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December 2024