Global Texan Chronicles premieres "Disappearing" - New Single from Lindsay White ft. Anna Ballew5/12/2023
So grateful to Global Texan Chronicles for always showing me love when I release new music. Peep the link to check out the single premiere and learn more about the inspiration and production. Couldn't have done this one with out the time and talents of Anna Ballew, Ben Grace Gilmore, and Salvatore Manalo!
Download mp3, Lyric, Art Bundle
Hi friends! I'm back so quick with a new single, are you finding me to be impressive yet? Haha.
"Piece of Quiet" is another pandemic-inspired, anxiety-riddled bop about being so, so, so desperate for a little sliver of peace during such a tumultuous and traumatic time. I'm feeling much better now than when I wrote the tune, and I credit that with a commitment I made to creating some quiet and stillness in my life. (As I write this, my neighbor's chainsaw screams away. Apparently, he's coping with the pandemic through wood work...we all have our things I guess.) Anyway, when I get quiet, sometimes that looks like getting off my phone, sometimes it looks like meditating, or reading, or writing. There is a lot of comfort to be found in going within. I hope this song helps you do that in some small way. The song is available now (along with lyrics and art) for direct download in the store, which is by far the best way to support, or on all the streamy thingies. Special thanks to Jules Stewart (drums), Amelia Sarkisian (mixing/mastering), with single art by Shy the Artist using original photography by Sydney Valiente. As always, big, big love to my Lindsay's Corner fam for their continued support. ![]()
Image description: Single artwork by Shy the Artist features a collage with light gray text that reads “Piece of Quiet” overlaid on a blue cloudy landscape. The focal point is a photo (by Sydney Valiente) of Lindsay wearing a white shirt and black pants. She is seated with her arms out to either side and her long brown hair falls over her left shoulder. Bunches of pink flowers cover her face and surround her body.
Hey friends! I wanted to premiere a brand new video for "Crickets," ahead of my latest release that will be available for streaming/download on December 26. My Patreon crew got the first look, and they are absolutely the reason I continue to be able to create music despite not earning my usual gig income this year, so I want to thank them for their continued support during a really weird and hard time for artists. To start, let me disclaim that I have no real technical skills when it comes to video-making, but I had a vision to try and capture what the infertility struggle feels like; using a tripod and an iPhone, I managed to arrive somewhere in the realm of reality. In the song, you'll hear real crickets I recorded from outside my window on the nights I would lay awake wondering if I was ever going to get pregnant. Sometimes I would see a cricket in the bathroom, and of course (always looking for a sign from the Universe) I Googled what they meant - besides the "nothing" response they are commonly associated with. Some searches pointed to good luck and fertility. I secretly hoped my mama was coming to me in one of those crickets telling me that good news was on the way. The good news never came. Sometimes crickets are just crickets, I guess. You can also hear the crinkle of a pregnancy test wrapper in the chorus, which I used to represent the almost mechanical wheel-like revolution of hope to despair to hope to despair, cycle after cycle, fail after fail. What actually happens in these cycles is you actually have to go into the lab every try for a blood test to confirm the cycle failed (even if you already started your period or tested negative at home), which adds an extra spin cycle of hope/despair where you tell yourself tons of little stories "maybe it's implantation bleeding" or "maybe it was a false negative" until you finally get the phone call confirming what you knew all along. No baby. Feel free to share this video with anyone you know who has struggled with similar issues. It's isolating. I hope it comforts and speaks to people who have been through it. I feel very fortunate that we were even able to try five times. In the opening lyrics "I've cried onto a casket," I'm referring to my mom's death. I'm also wearing the clothes I wore to her funeral. I wanted to acknowledge that some folks don't have the resources to attempt to grow their family, and we would've been in that boat had it not been for my mama's death. So maybe she was still my good luck cricket in a different sense. Thanks to her, we will always get to say that we tried, and that is comforting. Still, I want to point out that for sooooo many LGBTQ+ folks who envision creating families of their own, whose own families did/do not accept them - we get such a late start on this process because it takes us such a long time to shed the shame placed on us by others and to arrive at our full authentic selves. Which then makes us a little late to the game in finding our healthy life partners/relationships, which then makes us really late to the family planning process. By the time Audrie and I started trying to conceive, it was practically too late. So many queer couples I know struggle with this, and it really angers me that our own loved ones, our own schools, our own religions stand in the way of our ability to love and grow into ourselves, each other, and our families. This is tragic. This is abuse. Please, if you are reading this, and you refuse to accept your child or loved one's sexuality or gender identity or anything else about their authentic self, you are literally robbing them of time they could be fully supported and immersed in your love for them and their love for themselves. Don't do that. God wouldn't do that. ****
This track will be available on Spotify/Apple/etc. on December 26! In the meantime, please follow on Spotify, subscribe on Youtube, and check out Lindsay's Corner if you'd like to be a part of the fam that helps me keep creating. Thanks to my friend Jim for inviting me to be a part of his series, the Kinship Cafe. We had a great chat about all kinds of topics I find fascinating, plus I played a few tunes. Watch the full show below, and don't forget to check out the show's Patreon page if you'd like to support his series further! This is the fist sing along song I've ever written in my whole life! I was honored to be invited to perform at the 2019 Women's March in San Diego, and while I have a host of politically inspired songs, they all leaned toward rage. And while there's definitely a place for rage in protest marches and in protest music, I wanted to write something specific for the occasion that was also unifying, family-friendly, and very easy to sing along. Still, I didn't want it to be all rainbows and sunshine, so I made sure that the lyrics touched on the strength of women who work together to achieve results, the fact that women have the right to govern their own bodies, the fact that we are becoming more and more fearless in our unity, the fact that we need to be intersectional and fight for the rights of all marginalized people, and the strength of women as a voting body. I managed to get all that in without saying the F-word one time! I'm pretty proud of myself. I do have plans to record this song professionally with a full women's choir. If you'd like to participate or contribute, please reach out or consider making any size donation to Venmo at @lindsayannwhite Lyrics
1. we are the women we have the power to come together to save the day mothers before us sisters beside us daughters to guide us let love lead the way let love lead the way (let love lead the way) 2. we are the women we make our own choices we lift up our voices we are not afraid mothers before us sisters beside us daughters to guide us let love lead the way let love lead the way (let love lead the way) 3. we are the women all colors of skin and we will be voting on election day mothers before us sisters beside us daughters to guide us let love lead the way let love lead the way (let love lead the way) Here's a little tune I wrote about the frustration I felt after cutting ties with a religion whose followers didn't seem to be embodying the things I felt were most beneficial to being a person of faith (for example, loving everyone, having compassion, not judging people). Somehow I feel like those people get to keep god in the custody battle even though they demonstrate behavior that my idea of god would abhor. Sometimes you just gotta have a stern talk to god and tell her you're worried about the people she's been hanging out with. Lyrics:
1. quit hanging out with those friends they mess with your reputation as long as they keep judging what they think is a sin i just can't stand for them 2. quit letting them spoil your name don't you feel like you're being framed? they shoot you like bullets of blame and i don't like their aim don't you feel the same? 3. i'd love it if you could come back not just airplanes and panic attacks i just don't think that it would last considering our past so i don't even ask 4. they say every day that they serve you they're lying cause they got the nerve to make me feel like i don't deserve you i got no one to turn to god dammit i urge you 5. to quit hanging out with those friends they mess with your reputation i don't like to give ultimatums but i fuckin' hate 'em why'd you even create 'em? quit hanging out with those friends During the recent coverage of the California wildfires, I read about two people who were found burned beyond recognition trying to escape. I’ve been sick to my stomach imagining what it might have been like to lose everything, even your life. I can’t stop picturing myself in a car with my wife in the same situation. What would I even say, knowing I was unable to keep her safe? My heart bleeds for all the families suffering. I sat down to write this song, and ended up incorporating a bit of the Modern English song "Melt With You" into the chorus. Lyrics:
fire’s coming round the mountain, babe, start running for the car no time for family photo albums, records, or guitars freeewheelin’ dylan was my savior but I cannot return the favor i know them all my heart anyways they’ll be blowin’ in the wind after the blaze you’re the only thing that i refuse to lose even driving toward death’s door, you’re my refuge when the world stops burning, this flame will continue and i’ll melt with you smoke’s clouding up our eyes, babe, open your ears and try to hear me they may not recognize our bodies but I’ve memorized your spirit leaving life is really scary but skin and bones are temporary my love for you’s the only truth that stays it will be blowin’ in the wind after the blaze you’re the only thing that i refuse to lose even driving toward death’s door, you’re my refuge when the world stops burning, this flame will continue and i’ll melt with you I wrote this song in honor of a young friend, Tyler Hastings, whose funeral I recently attended. Most of the attendees were fellow Red Cross workers, all wearing their red shirts in honor of him. Red is usually such an aggressive color, but on this day, I saw it through a softer lens and decided to write about it in the context of mourning and celebration of life. Tyler was one of my Patreon supporters, and he never failed to offer encouragement and humor, not just to me, but to everyone around him. I'm very thankful to have known him. Lyrics:
red today, i’m seeing red todayi’m seeing red today not in an angry way red like a cross that saves on disastrous days or a heart that loves in fantastic ways read like the cartoons when you’re searching for laughter red like a curtain that falls from the rafters at the end of a play, we all make our way off the stage and i don’t pretend to be certain but i’m pretty sure that curtain will rise again it’s just a matter of when Yet another song about the current state of leadership (or lack thereof) in our country. When I say “we ain’t worth keeping” I certainly don’t mean human life isn’t worth anything. I mean that when we treat life as meaningless (either our own, or other groups of people), or when we demonstrate with our words and actions a belief that money/power is more important than the well-being of life/the planet, there are severe consequences, and we’re seeing those consequences play out in our society daily. I am so saddened by where we are but also not in the least bit surprised based on our choices/actions as a society. It doesn’t take a genius to realize a Trump presidency was going to produce the circling-the-drain reality we wake up to every morning. I believe our country is diseased, and in order to cure that disease, I think we should promote education, celebrate diversity, encourage and applaud service, provide all people with the food, housing, healthcare, and mental health services they need, respect all religion (or no religion) while firmly separating it from our government, put down our defenses, be willing to listen, and acknowledge the hurt and fear we all feel. Above all we need to take ownership of the the ways we individually contribute to other people’s suffering even when we don’t intend to or aren’t aware of it. In a nutshell, we have to take care of each other. Until we all collectively decide that money and power are not worth the countless innocent lives lost to senseless acts of hate and violence, we will just continue to be desensitized to the skyrocketing probability that we, our someone we love, will be shot and killed in public by a stranger with a gun. The “getting used to it” is our body/brain’s way of coping with trauma. I hope in my lifetime, we rise up, fight that numbness, fight that greed, and make every sacrifice possible to show that we value human life more than we value wealth/power, comfort, and convenience. Lyrics
this is what we get this is who we are we’re the tin man who ran away from a heart this is who we are it’s easy to explain we’re the scarecrow who said no to a brain you see, that rug is getting bigger the broom is getting thicker we ain’t worth keeping, so it’s sweeping us under we’re reaping what we’ve sown this ain’t no place like home this is what we get this is what we’ve become we’re the wicked and the cowardly just eating up our young this is who we are this is what we get ain’t no yellow brick gonna get us out of it and that rug is getting bigger that broom is getting thicker we ain’t worth keeping, so it’s sweeping us under we’re reaping what we’ve sown this ain’t no place like home As we approached Halloween and the midterm elections, I had this thought in my head about how it's felt like Halloween since Trump got elected...just kinda feels like the country's been circling the drain for the past 2 years. I just chuckled and thought it'd make a silly spoof song, but didn't actually write and record it til the administration started bullying the trans community and pipe bombs started going out in the mail addressed to prominent Democrats. Right after I posted this some American terrorist murdered a bunch of elderly Jews in a synagogue. Like I said, scary fucking times. Which is why, even though this is a spoof, I don't look like I'm having very much fun. To the tune of "Lil' Red Riding Hood" by Sam Sham & The Pharaohs.
Lyrics: it's been halloween ever since 2016 trump makes freddy seem like a nice daydream (boo) talk about doom & gloom when you can't afford the emergency room and you're terrified w/ chills cause your wages won't pay the bills what big lies they tell i'd rather live at the bates motel than watch my country slip away to the nra & the kkk what big hypocrites getting rich for the apocalypse i gotta say, it's a scary day now that putting kids in cages is the christian way it's been halloween ever since 2016 trump makes freddy seem like a nice daydream (boo) talk about horrifying putting predators in power and ignoring science when every fox news line sends a shiver up & down my spine (boo) what big lies they have i'd rather jason chase me in a hockey mask than watch rights get stripped away for brown, trans, female, homeless, poor, or gay what big hypocrites placing blame on the journalists aspiring to be like our enemies & conspiring to murder our democracy it's been halloween ever since 2016 trump makes freddy seem like a nice daydream (boo) here's what we're gonna do listen up now i'm talking to you this red's gonna kill us dead so please vote blue |
December 2024