Why is this musician writing about diapers on her website? Well, I'll tell you why. This musician just had a baby, is trying to survive through a pandemic, and genuinely likes to help people. I thought it might be nice to write out for any pregnant or birthing people who happen upon my blog the various products and supplies I actually used and liked during my pregnancy and postpartum journey. If you like this blog, check out the other topics in the series by scrolling through this link! (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, but as always, I only recommend what I actually think is worthwhile.)
Diapers and Wipes
Our friends who were kind enough to throw us a baby shower had the wonderful idea to incorporate a raffle where attendees were invited to bring diapers (and/or wipes) ranging from NB to size 2 in exchange for a raffle ticket. The winning ticket received a gift card to a local restaurant. People really came through, thank goodness - we are still using the gifted diapers and wipes going into month three! It's also been a great way to try out various brands - there is so much out there and it can get overwhelming. So far, we've been digging the Huggies Little Snugglers diapers and Huggies Natural Care wipes. But honestly, every baby is so different. I would encourage you to try out different brands until you find a great match for your little and then stock up once you know what works for their bum and your budget.
Changing Pads
We got this awesome changing pad for the nursery as a hand-me-down from friends, but if you don't feel comfortable buying this bougie little booty pad, I promise that something affordable and simple like this portable waterproof travel pad will do the trick. We have one for the diaper bag and one for the house (we lazily change a LOT of diapers in the living room). No matter what kind of pad you get, I also recommend snagging a few soft/washable liners. Those pads are nice for easy cleaning and all, but they can get pretty dang cold, and the last thing you want is a cold and shrieky nakey baby. (Wipe warmers are a little extreme imho, but do you boo).
Diaper Caddies
We do diaper storage two ways in our casa. For the changing table, we have this cute and compact little caddy that holds a few other items like creams, clippers, etc. And for a more utilitarian approach, we have this portable cart, which we use to store everything baby and breastfeeding-related. Love and use them both, but cart for the win if you struggle with storage options for tiny spaces like we do.
Diaper Pail
I knew going into this whole smelly shebang that I wanted a Diaper Genie, as I have changed many a diaper of my friends' kids and have had the unique opportunity of testing out various dirty diaper disposal situations prior to becoming pregnant. We got a hand-me-down version of the hands-free version, which was great until the little foot pedal kept breaking. So off we went to the store to get a replacement, and all they had in stock was the Expressions model. We were wary at first because it didn't have the foot opener thingy, but I actually ended up liking it much better. Despite it's smaller size, it holds a shit-ton of diapers. People in the reviews seem weirded out that you have to slide the diapers in with your hand, but in my experience, they just glide ride in. I've never had anything disgusting happen, even with poopy diapers, plus I'm always thoroughly washing my hands after a whole diaper changing debacle anyway. Either way you go, I just don't think any other brand of diaper pail comes close to controlling odors. PS - don't forget to stock up on some liners...they have name-brand, but the generic kind work fine as well!
Diaper Cremes
Tbh, I don't really use cremes on Riv's little tush unless her skin seems to be a little more irritated or red than usual. Or mayyyybe after a bath if I'm feeling like giving her a little spa day. I don't really have a fav, but so far I've used and had no problems with good ol' fashioned Desitin. I also really like Weleda.
Cloth Diapering
I admire you so much, but I've got nothing for you. I practiced cloth diapering once for one of the kiddos I watched, and I knooooooow it's so much better for the planet, but I just couldn't make myself swing it in this household. It wasn't even the poops that grossed me out - it was this persistent faint spell of urine, even on a clean dipe. Maybe one day I'll revisit being a better human. Please don't judge me too harshly. Okay byeeeeee! Don't forget to check out these other blogs in the series! *Postpartum Recovery Products I Actually Used *Postpartum Vitamins and Supplements I Actually Used *Pregnancy Products I Actually Used
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December 2024