Thanks to the kind folks at Country Queer for featuring my latest single "Disappearing" in their roundup of new music releases. Peep the article here!
To accompany my new single "Disappearing" I surveyed people who embody roles/identities that are socially revered yet sytemically under-resourced. Their responses were curated into a community digital art piece called "The Disappearing Project." (Accessible transcript also available).
Respondents reflect a range of ages, races, religions, genders, sexual orientations, cultures, dis/abilities, financial means, etc. I know in my heart this tiny sample just begins to scratch the surface of our society's toxic treatment toward parents, educators, essential workers, and more. The overarching theme? People feel exhausted and alone. I don't expect this song or project to heal the world, but I do hope you take the time to sit with these words, reflect on your own responses to the questions posed, and move forward in your lives/relationships with the understanding that so much hurt is bubbling underneath nearly every interaction you have with nearly every person. Global Texan Chronicles premieres "Disappearing" - New Single from Lindsay White ft. Anna Ballew5/12/2023
So grateful to Global Texan Chronicles for always showing me love when I release new music. Peep the link to check out the single premiere and learn more about the inspiration and production. Couldn't have done this one with out the time and talents of Anna Ballew, Ben Grace Gilmore, and Salvatore Manalo!
Download mp3, Lyric, Art Bundle I had a fun day at Amplified Studios talking to my pal Gary Lee about music and community, my two favorite things. Also got to perform three songs live! Take a listen here.
I was doing bathtime/bedtime mama duties when I got the news from friends that “No Stopping It” was nominated for Best Pop Song for San Diego Music Awards - gotta say it’s always nice to be recognized, but it’s especially gratifying and gratitude-inducing when I’m covered in toddler snot. Thanks to the SDMAs for the good work they do putting music in schools and for the nomination! Please vote (and share if you wanna) starting now and daily through 3/25!
VOTE: Single artwork Sydney Valiente Song Produced by Alex Dausch at Studio Studios, Vox Recorded by Mike Kamoo at Earthling Studios, Drums recorded at Jules Stewart studios. (I love all these people). Thank you to Country Queer for featuring my latest single "No Stopping It' in their latest roundup showcasing some new songs from various artists that all address mental health in some way or another! A subtly addictive, gently rocking groove leads us into San Diego-based White’s latest single, an unabashedly honest appraisal of how she deals with anxiety – for better or worse, but as she notes, it’s “better out than in.” Sweet news! My yet-to-be published song "Roses Are Dead" received Honorable Mention in the Lyrics-only category of the Songwriters Association of Washington's Mid-Atlantic Song Contest! This is my second HM recognition from the org (the first was for "Hands" back in 2016). I'm in the studio now working on production for this song, which will hopefully be a part of an album which will hopefully accompany my book which will hopefully be finished sometime this year or next. (Your girl's got big dreams and limited time, but I'm trying to make it happen!). Want to go behind the scenes as I make this song come to life? Head on over to my Patreon page to unlock exclusive content for as little as $2/month!
Hey friends! As we close out the year and head into a new one, I'd like to encourage anyone reading this to commit to a practice of ongoing community care for 2023. I created the 2-slide graphic below just to showcase some folks/orgs who are doing great work to make this world a more beautiful, just, creative, and loving place. I triple dog dare you to select one of these (or find one that aligns best with you/your community/your values) and contribute at least $5 per week (more if you can!) for the entire year! No dough? No problem! Try reaching out to the org of your choice and asking what remote and/or physical roles need filling. Time, energy, skill, etc. are all valuable currencies! The key is ONGOING support! Imagine if we all just pitched in a little bit more. We'd be that much further to digging our way out of the dumpster fires we all like to complain about. Comment below and let me know if you're in!
Slide 1 Suggestions: We All We Got San Diego Breakfast Block The Brown Building Black Womxn Deserve Mutual Aid Fund Armadillos NUMM Asian Solidarity Collective Soul Kiss Theater Slide 2 Suggestions: Black Star Water Polo Casa Arcoíris SURJ San Diego The SD Tenants Union The Gender Phluid Collective Writers Round SD Rock n Roll Camp for Girls SD Thanks to San Diego Reader for including my new single "No Stopping It" in this week's Local Five column! I appreciate the local love and being included in the company of so many talented musicians!
Love, love, love Global Texan Chronicles and their steadfast support of my music - check out this lovely and kind review for "No Stopping It." Thanks for calling me a Tip Top songwriter - that made my eyes a little leaky!
December 2024